This scale that shows four points of view was taken from an article by Dr. Timothy Keller. Click on the image above to go directly to the article.

This scale that shows four points of view was taken from an article by Dr. Timothy Keller. Click on the image above to go directly to the article.

POSTMODERN JUSTICE: Additional Resources

Justice, postmodernism, current politics… To say these things are complex is an understatement. Here are some resources that may assist you in thinking through these topics from a Christian point of view, as well as processing the content of Pastor Ryan’s message from September 13th, 2020.


Millennials at Fox News, Satanists, and the Fallout of Deconstructionism

25 Minute Listen

This Cultural Moment (Podcast)
Mark Sayers and John Mark Comer
Authors, Cultural Commentators, Pastors

This Week in History: Terror Reigns in France 1793

2 Minute Watch

HistoryNet YouTube Channel
Historynet LLC (Educational Publisher)

”A basic understanding of the French Revolution and the subsequent Reign of Terror provides a powerful case study in a power-oriented ideology of justice, and is relevant to both our discussion today and our study of justice ideologies. For a quick, easy to follow summary aimed at middle school students, check out