Re-Learn the Story


Books worth reading.

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“The life that God lives as Father, Son and Spirit is not boring and sad and lonely. There is no emptiness in this circle, no depression or fear or angst.”

— The Great Dance (C. Baxter Kruger)

  • Short Read: 96 pages.

  • Inexpensive: $12.82

  • Easy to follow: Written in everyday language.


“God's plan is not to abandon this world, the world which he said was "very good." Rather, he intends to remake it. And when he does he will raise all his people to new bodily life to live in it. That is the promise of the Christian gospel.”

— Simply Christian (N.T. Wright)

  • Moderate Read: 256 pages.

  • Moderately Priced: $21.77

  • Packed with Content: Covers the “big picture” of Christian Faith


“What is the world? Who is God? Who are man and woman? Why do evil and suffering mark the world? What am I to do about evil and suffering? In answering these questions, I have sought to clarify the worldview that informs the biblical story by comparing and contrasting it with others—both Eastern and Western. What has gradually been emerging from this discussion is a unique biblical vision of how human life ought to be lived in the world.”

— Seriously Dangerous Religion (Iain Provan)

  • Long Read: 513 pages

  • Somewhat expensive: $60.32

  • Deep content: Written by a scholar to compare the biblical story with all of the other “stories” in our world.


God’s Story:
A Quick Primer


“Finding My Story” is an 8-part series that takes you through the main “scenes” of the bible. By having a “big picture” understanding, we can better understand how our lives fit into God’s story.